Just Some Of Our HHOH Partners In Crime
(cunningly disguised to protect the not-so-innocent)

Just remember kids, alcohol is neither big, hard nor clever... it can make you put up pages like this on your site. But we're now laughing too hard to take it down!

If you spot any of these reprobates at gigs, well hey you really should have your eyesight checked but feel free to say hello anyway. And any begging requests to have yourself added to this page will be graciously considered by the artiste (ie., me). Special thanks to the Planearium site for their South Park Studio software that allowed me to wreak this much havoc, and to the crazy kids at #squeeze for finding it.

Big Chris





Special thanks and smoochies to...

My sweetie David

And of course...

Arise, Sir Nick of Harper!

With love from...

Your humble webmistress

Created 15 September 2002
© PL/PLC 2002