Photos from The Maze
Nottingham, 21 July 2002

Photo by Philippa Lord

HHOH image supremo Philippa Lord and new reader Kate Biles both sent us some fab photos from the Nottingham Maze show in July. Which to use? Oh why not all of them? Enjoy, and be sure to pay careful attention to the string-change trick - there may be a quiz on this later.

Philippa's photos

Kate's photos

And now for my two-step mid-song string-change trick!

1) Keep playing at breakneck speed on 5 remaining strings
while clutching spare string in teeth for dear life

2) Continue singing a capella (even if it's Public Enemy) while restringing

Voila! It's magic!

Created 14 September 2002
© PL/KB/PLC 2002